Saturday, June 16, 2012

Make like a tree and get outta here

If I could get over this cough, things would be quite good. Most perfect relationship I've been in, business is great and progressing, and I'm feeling more complete and content as a whole. I'm cutting down on booze substantially. I just can't hang like I use to. we have a great home with our tinies, I have all I need. Eat better, ride my bike more, remember that I'M the boss at work, leave work AT work, Sunday Funday should be more about the home. Rediscover how it was when I was a kid, that excited feeling about so much. Movies, music, TECHNOLOGY! And of course, keep the excitability I have with Diane. Seriously, the sweetest, sexiest thing alive. Summary; Less booze More vegan, gluten free foods, no soda Ride bike as much as possible Keep grip on Crown. I'M the boss! Work on home!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who's Heart Remains

I can't remember the blame coming and going into so many directions, I can't recall sanctity in ignorance, I never saw the lack of sincerity, I never knew a witness who hadn't seen the integrity. Today, I can't believe your fucking lives, I can't foresee you ever realizing, I can positively see your dark outcome of hopelessness rot, burning soul, stupid fucking face, in the fucking corner in your piece of shit life. Your lack of understanding, your un-cultured stares, your fucking shitty manners, your selfish grabs at anything to be right. You, are empty. You, are done.